Thursday, August 14, 2008

Everyone Needs A Day...

Everyone needs a day, when they can just sit on their ass and do nothing all day. Today was that day for me.

Jeremy got up early and took Lulu grocery shopping, then to work out in the gym, then he took her to the park and jogging and when the returned she was asleep. Upon her waking from naptime, he fed her and then I read her a few books and then they went swimming.

On a side note... we have been in our home almost 2 years now, and we are only NOW, beginning to use our pool. Can you believe that?? Many times I have actually forgotten that we have one, as I would search for local community pools online for us to visit. Sadly, I have not yet ventured into the pool myself. Once, i get the ok from the dr, i am sure I will get in it.

back to my day....

What have i done all day? Watched all my recorded shows, played the Hokey Pokey a few times with Alessandra, of course fed and changed her all day long, but aside from that..... i've relatively been just a waste of space. And quite proud of it!

Tomorrow... we are going to SD to visit with Gabby, My Ma and Godparents.

I really really really need to get the girls bedrooms finished. I have most of the accessories, and "fluff n stuff" I just lag when it comes to putting the stuff up all the walls... maybe all add that to my "to do" for tomorrow.

All this sitting around and doing nothing all day, has got me really tired. I am calling it a day.
Nighty night.

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