Tuesday, August 12, 2008

whatta day whatta night!

2 words... disastrous night.
another 2 words... disastrous afternoon.
thankfully, Jeremy comes home late tonight. Should be home just in time to help Analucia at her 1st night waking, so I can get some rest. He'll be home the rest of the week to help out.
Sadly, my lovely sleeper isn't self-soothing so well this afternoon/evening. She won't let me put her down... ARG!!!!! This may hamper sushi tomorrow with the gals..... No, No, No!!! Actually, I am not a sushi-fan, but am looking forward to my 1st sip of wine, in like..... forever!
So, the question becomes.. to supplement or not to supplement... to introduce a pacifier or not. I hope tomorrow is better... maybe Jeremy's finger may do the trick. Since neither of the above
are truly appealing options, maybe i can hide Lola under my blouse.. think anybody would notice?
dang... these chinese diver gals were good.
3 days trying to finish Atonement.. tomorrow is the day, I swear.
Off to drink some water so Grandma can be at peace.
nighty night.

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