Monday. Splashin' Around At Kristin and Kathryn's

My world was rocked this morning, by Jeremy's earth-shattering news..... 1 year and 11 months later he has decided it is time to finish painting our family room and kitchen.
This task has been left undone, for several reasons, but the biggest being that we could never agree with what colors to paint and also he likes to start projects and leave them half done. Jeremy wants to go with the same color that we have meandering through the house, sortof like a Mochachino, damned if I can spell it, since I am not a coffee drinker..but anyways, I think it is too much brown, and prefer a neutral light mauve or similar color that is currently in the rooms.
So while J began painting the ceiling, I did what I do best lately. I shopped. 1st we hit Babies R Us, where I bought a co-sleeper baby positioner. Let me back up a second here. YES, I know I said this baby was going to stay in her bassinet, but she is sooooo noisy at night, that it is so much easier to pop a boob in her mouth, to shush her, and then roll back over to go to sleep. I will say this, she always begins her evening in the bassinet, she just ends up in the bed with us at her 1st waking. I also bought Lulu some clothes, a new baby bath tub and various other trivial things. Then we hit Target and Toys R Us. My thinking was this, if Jeremy was going to paint, we were going to be held capitive upstairs, so I better buy some new toys, as a novelty to keep Analucia entertained. Can you believe she actually had the nerve to utter the words, "I don't like Target." Is she not my child??
Jeremy's task was to sand and paint the trim. So we headed down to SD to hang with my Mom. While I was there I grabbed some Santana's. YUM. My Aunt Kathy came by to visit Alessandra and then I went back out to do more shopping at Babies R Us. I remembered some items I didn't get the day before. Towards the evening, we headed home and once jeremy was finished, he took us to dinner and then to HomeDepot, where the challenge of selecting the wall color began..
Tia Kathy meets Alessandra

I woke up and came to terms with the fact that my 2year old can no longer fit in 2T clothes. I guess it really isn't proper for me to continue asking her to "suck it in." So, while Jeremy taped the kitchen I went shopping. Can you believe it took him 5-6 hours to tape trim, 7 windows, 4 doorways, the built-in entertainment center and our fireplace?? I went and bought Lulu a whole new wardrobe, only to discover... I don't think she is a 3T either!! Some of the outfits are sooo tight! Can she be? Is she really a fricken 4t?
Tape done, paint ready to go on the walls..... ahhhh here we go! So, I like the new color. I can't describe it, it may have either a very very very mild pink or purple tone to it.. not sure. I find it soothing. Jeremy hates it. He wants to repaint. I wouldn't necesarily mind if it didn't mean I would be banished to the upstairs again. The TV up there doesn't have DVR, so I am stuck watching regular tv, with commercials. Who the heck watches commercials any more?

So, the debate continues, to keep the color or not. I am staying out if it. Although I am afraid without a concrete decision from me, the kitchen/family room will stay "as is" for another 2 years.. partially painted with tape all over the place.
Today we went to StoryTime at Borders and then in the afternoon we had a playdate at Quail Gardens, we met up with Lyndi/Micah Paul and Timea/Jude and then later with Lesley/Jake and Alison/Jake. Analucia loves roaming and micromanaging Jake. She is very demanding of him, yelling “Jake come here, Jake don’t, Jake follow me!” Is she learning my bad habits?!? Does she get this from me?
Analucia, Lesley & Jake looking at Lizard

In the evening I went to Benihana's with Alison, Ali, Stacy and Lori for some good ole gossip and scandalous talk! We had a great time, sharing a few of the skeletons in our closets.
"This is my new favorite thing."Today, we went to the mall, and ate Hot Dog On A Stick, went to the Pet Store to watch the puppies frolick and then rode the carousel. Analucia was so happy on the merry-go-round she kept repeating, “this is my new favorite thing!” Ahhh the small things that can be so entertaining. Since Lulu had a late nap, we missed Pimp Your Bottle, so when Jeremy came home he took her jogging, while I went shopping. Nightime proved to be stressful. TOO MANY TV SHOWS to watch!! I had the DVR taping 2 shows at 8, 9 and 10 while watching other programs upstairs in realtime. Sometimes life is hard.
1 comment:
Lesley..... we have DVRs on all of our TVs (4 of them). 2 are high devinition DVRs and 2 are regular definition. I do not watch commercials.... ever. And I can tape 8 things at a time!!! ha ha
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